Quick Thoughts

I tried very hard to get online yesterday but, alas, could not do so. And thus, I must save my wishes of that day for today. So, do a little timewarp and pretend it’s yesterday!

First off, I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Special hugs and kisses for my wife Chantale, Mother to Kyle Ethan and StepMother to James and Melyssa 🙂

Secondly, Happy Wedding Day to Taras and Jan! Getting married on my birthday… sniff… how touching 🙂

Thirdly, Happy Birthday to Jeff (ya old coot!) 🙂

Finally, yes, Happy Birthday to me 🙂 I told the kids on Saturday night that I didn’t want anything special for my birthday since I’ve already celebrated so many of them. It was Chantale’s FIRST Mother’s day and thus I wanted to dote on her 🙂 Melyssa just went ahead and made the both of us breakfast in bed, waking us up at 9am with Casey the Wonder Puppy’s happy bouncing. Considering Kyle had woken up at 5am screaming in pain from teething and that I got up with him and finally got him back to sleep for 7am, I was strangely awake enough to appreciate the breakfast 🙂 James woke up at the same time, headed into the bathroom, blew his nose loud enough to wake Kyle, and thus we all ended up in bed. Many Mother’s Day cards later, we surprised Chantale with a gift. Something she’s been wanting for a while now and did not expect to get 🙂

As for me, the coolest gift I got was a Venus Flytrap! Really! 🙂

Now, as per my posts of last year, I was going to upload a Vanity Shot again, but my digital battery needs recharging so it’ll be on another post. The shots of me at 33 and 38 are still in my LJ bucket photo so I’ll probably just add it there and link it here when it’s done 🙂

Until then, speaking of photos, here’s the one from the PCTCC2006 of James’ meeting with J. Torres 🙂

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