This past weekend was a really nice one. Chantale and I will probably suffer from it, though, as we both had tons of work to do, but, we were both so wiped from the previous weeks that we basically spent the weekend relaxing together. We slept in, lounged about, and simply enjoyed each other’s company without needing to rush about town as we’ve been doing for so long. Outside of my going to help out at the Beaver’s Car Wash on Saturday and seeing the kids, and a leisurely walk through a shopping mall that afternoon, we relaxed. We honestly couldn’t remember the last time we did that.
Sunday afternoon we had lunch at my parents along with my brother, his girlfriend(?) and his in-laws. We had a nice meal, chatted, and got the wine production going for this year. That evening, Chantale and I went to the Casino Cabaret for a showing of Danse-Sing. It was a lavish production number with some great songs and great dancing. Personally, I preferred the show we’d gone to a few months ago (Cinema-Show) as I didn’t find all the singers in Danse-Sing to be as good. Out of the two male leads, one growled and yelled a lot, and the other just didn’t keep time properly with the songs he was singing. The female lead was also a “yeller”. Besides all that, though, we had a wonderful time. We both really enjoy stage shows be it dramatic plays or musicals and so far we haven’t been disappointed. We got home that night in high spirits. I decided to end off the evening by going out on the balcony and having a Vanilla scented cigarillo my Best Man Francisco gave me, while Chantale made us a large bowl of popcorn. I sat there in the cool night, enjoying the sky, relaxing some more, and picturing how on the night of our Wedding Reception, I could envision us along with Francisco, his wife Line, and a few others just lounging outside the Reception Hall, smoking celebratory cigars at around 3am… 🙂
Having a weekend like this does wonders to the spirit…