Last call for today…

I just got off the phone with Chantale. Her wait at Pearson Airport hasn’t been too bad as she’s chatted with other travellers making their way to Honolulu. She was going to go get her boarding pass now and is expected to get on the plane since it still has open seats. It should leave Pearson at 5:30pm and land at Honolulu at 10:35pm. From there, she’ll have to scramble to make a connecting flight at 11:55pm.

*sigh* It was nice talking with her. Even the kids got to say hello which helped them, too.

One of the last things she said to me was “I’m gonna marry you when I get back, you know!” to which I replied, “you bet you will!” 🙂

…It’s almost time to go downstairs for N.Y.Eve supper with the folks. In the meantime, I’ve been online a lot. Even cleared up my inbox at my home account! That was daunting 🙂 But, as everyone who’s signed up to my Jokers List (send a blank email to to join), or on one of my personal mail list (like my Recipe Exchange list!) knows, I’ve gotten through them 🙂

Well, I guess I’ll shut up now. I’ve got too many entries for today already… 🙂

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