Random Thoughts

Because my brain is jumping around so much lately… Heck, today a friend of mine called me up after a meeting we were in together to ask if I was okay because I looked like hell. And here I was thinking that out of all the recent work days, I was probably best today…

  • If someone’s questioning their beliefs, it’s called a Crisis of Faith… so what if you’re questioning your career? is it a Crisis of Career? Crisis of Job? or just Crisis of Life?
  • I read another funny Harper Demon quote today. This time it’s from Michael Moore: “Maybe it’s a new form of Canadian irony – reverse irony! OK, now I get it. First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq – and then you elect a prime minister who’s for it. You declare gay people have equal rights – and then you elect a man who says they don’t. You give your native peoples their own autonomy and their own territory – and then you vote for a man who wants to cut aid to these poorest of your citizens. Wow, that is intense!”
  • First round picks for the Shuster Awards have been given in. Now we wait for the other 6 judges to hand in their nominations and we go for Round Two to confirm which Creators will be on the final voting ballot.
  • I’ve sent in a number of suggestions for improvements/ changes to the Shuster Awards in terms of making the judging part of it easier for both the judges and seeing the works in discussion. I hope some of them are accepted as I (obviously) want this award to truly mean something in Canada.

    Simply because it’s been a while and there are new readers to this blog:

  • My 3 Fast Fiction pieces from last year on Science Fiction Fantasy Horror dot Com can be found by clicking the following title names: Tight Budgets, The New Girl, and Marvin Knows. All stories now have a “comments” section.
  • 13 more days before my next vacation… days of lounging around at Grandma’s house in Lac St. Jean… doing nothing but eating, sleeping, reading, and chill-axing with Chantale’s Grandparents, Chantale, Kyle, and Casey the Wonder Puppy…
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