…and I’m currently a mess. We had a very teary farewell last night and only got to bed at about 2am… with a 6:30am wake-up call. In a way it was good we got so many tears out of the way last night because it helped us keep our composure this morning. We all held out until we said good-bye at the gate. But, it wasn’t too bad. I guess we were being strong for each other (weak smile). Her flight, if on schedule, should leave in about 5 minutes from now, which means she could be in Toronto before noon.
The kids… I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t exactly sure they knew what was going on although I suspected James understood. He was adamant last night that he come with us to the airport this morning. They were well-behaved and at the gate gave Chantale a big monkey-hug each 🙂 We waved good-bye and left. As we got through the parking gate and made our way onto the 520, James got very quiet and before I knew he, he burst into tears saying how much he missed her. Of course, I was tearing as well and attempted to console him while keeping an eye on the road. He calmed down after a bit and then, by the time we merged back onto the 40, I found Melyssa all bunched together. When I told her to sit up, I realized she was crying. No, she was bawling. All the way home I couldn’t console her enough. In fact, when we finally parked the car and got out, my mom was worried about why Melyssa was crying. When she told her that she was missing Chantale, my mom almost started crying.
It’s only a month. It’s only a month. It’s only a month. It’s only a month… but right now it feels like eternity…