Too cool…

I was looking around specific sites today in regards to upcoming promotions, etc, and realized the Shuster Awards site ( did have my bio posted for last year’s awards. Those interested in seeing it (which is slightly different from the one currently found on my fiction over at can do so here:

Obviously, I will need to update this for the new year (as I did with the sffh site). Speaking of the Shusters, btw, there will be a new twist this year for the nominating panel. Specifically, there will be two reps in Quebec in order to ensure the francophone market has a voice. The person I picked for this position has already begun his research. I’m not sure I’m at liberty to state who it is yet, but it should be forthcoming.

In another aside, I just ran through a quick search for my name in the Google Print search engine. The results made me smile indeed 🙂 This was due to an acknowledgement in a fabulous book all Beatles fans should own 🙂 Go see the result over at: Google Books (click here)

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