Supper at my folks was nice tonight. Nothing outrageous, just a short meal. Afterwards, the kids opened up a few gifts and then we all came back upstairs. They each took a bath and got ready for bed, while Chantale kept running from one room to the next to keep gathering all the stuff she needs to take with her. I kept the laundy machine and dryer well fed and after a viewing of Frosty the Snowman with the kids, they went to bed.
So, Chantale is still packing and I figured I’d take some time to get a grip on my own stuff (while helping out when needed, of course 🙂 ). Her 12pm flight was cancelled so she had to reschedule for 10am. Thus, we’re leaving the house by about 7:30am tomorrow. Emotional farewell? Yeah, I can imagine. But I’m trying to stay strong (weak smile).
Supper at my folks is only at 6pm tomorrow, so I’ll have a whole afternoon with the kids to try to regain myself 🙂