Well I’m in a hell of a better mood today than I was yesterday! Sure, I still have a lot of stuf to do at work but it does beat the alternative. NaNo is progressing slowly as it takes a whole different mindset to only aim for 1700 words per day (all that’s required to meet the 50k objective). Considering how quickly I created the last three novels these last two years, my heart, brain, and fingers are in a constant power struggle over having to “live” with not being close to finishing it already… (remember, back in 2003 I finished “The Anti-Bodies: Heaven Can Wait” in 11 days and “Wasted Youth: The Dirty Dozen” in 13 days)…
In other writing news, I was informed today that I was the First Runner Up in a Halloween Writing Contest. Yes, that made me smile and I suddenly had visions of running up to the “winner” and ripping off her crown… So, I’ll end up being online again and also included in a limited-edition chapbook. Made me smile, indeed
What made me raise my eyebrows was after heading over to sciencefictionfantasyhorror.com and checking last month’s top 10 stories. Although I had three stories in September, I only had 1 in October. Marvin Knows, the #1 read story in September, wasn’t even on the top 10 in October! Sheesh!
Time for a bit of Daddy News now! Last night when I got home, Chantale was feeding Kyle (who had apparently been feeding quite a lot during the day). I got changed and pretty soon Kyle was sat in his high chair, smiling happily. Chantale prepared some rice cereal (1 tablespoon cereal, 2 tablespoon breastmilk) and I began to feed it to him. Now, it was the third attempt to feed him and let me tell you that this time, his eyes just LIT UP when he tasted it! We had made it a little thicker and he just loved it! He literally gobbled it all up within minutes, not spilling or spitting anything up! And then, when it was all done, he grunted at me and asked for more! So, we put together another teaspoon of cereal and this time he ate it nice and leisurely – still not spilling a drop A very happy baby indeed! He chased that down with another 6 ounces of milk before finally deciding he was tired and took a very short nap
What a wonderful, wonderfully happy experience
In other Daddy News, I worked out the schedule for James and Melyssa and will definitely be enjoying a lot of time with them soon! This week, they have Friday off so I’m picking them up on Thursday night until Sunday night. The weekend of the 25th is a regular weekend but then in December, I’m picking them up on the 3rd and taking them to the S.L. Kids Xmas party on the 4th. I get them again on the weekend of the 9th. Then, Xmas vacations! School is closed on the 23rd and I’m on vacation, so I’m picking them up on the evening of the 22nd! Then, depending on what Chantale and I decide for New Year’s, I’ll bring them back anytime between the 28th or the 30th. Yay! This year will mark the first year in a LONG time that I’ll actually be enjoying 10 days of vacation during the Xmas Holidays! Lots of baking and smiling will be had during that time!
Ahh… And now, back to duty!