Need a bed?

I was so exhausted yesterday I fell asleep at 9pm. This morning, I still could have slept more but I had to get up. However, unfortunately, I’m having a rough time making a go of it. I have paperwork to finish and have locked myself away in order to do so… BUT I’m just so fried hardly anything’s sticking… sigh…

In other news, a question for the locals:

I have a queen-sized foam mattress and bed which I no longer need. It’s been sitting in my garage all summer and now I would like to move it from there so I can begin parking the car there in the winter! Would any of you have need of them? Incredible bargain! You decide the cost – even if it’s $0.00! 🙂 If you do, let me know, and then come on over and get it! You can contact me via (aragona colba net) if you want to discuss outside of LJ.

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