Where does the time go? Was in bed by 1am, up at 4am due to Melyssa needing her pump, and then tossed and turned for a bit trying to get to sleep knowing my alarm was due to ring at 6:20am. How in hell are you supposed to sleep expecting an alarm!?! Bah. Ended up resetting it for 7:15am and still made it out of the house by 8am. Felt like I was on another planet as I walked to the bus stop with NO ONE in sight. Weird.
Kids came over last night and had a blast opening stocking stuffers and gifts. It was Melyssa’s turn this year to get a sleeping bag (since we’re off camping with the Beavers in 2 weeks). She was so excited she wanted to sleep in it instead of her bed last night. Of course, James took out his bag, too (it’s identical actually) and slept in his. cute 🙂
Christmas this year was… peculiar. As opposed to being one-big-long joy-fest, it was more like a joy-fest with commercials. In other words, we had “moments” of joy and festivity interspersed with moments of… well.. not. (Heck, I came in to work this morning and found that I forgot to unplug the xmas lights I installed on my desk and they had burnt out… (shrug))
However, lots of goodies were indeed had at xmas time. Mainly, lots of nice shirts (I was really running ragged for a while), a humidor from my in-laws (way cool!), and lots of DVDs to go with our new DVD player 😉 The stocking stuffers the kids gave Chantale really hit, too. She was very suprised and very happy with them 🙂 (giggle) I like fun surprises!
Anyhow, I’m at work now. Had a bit of a rough morning but it’s all smoothed out now. Chantale’s going around today on last-minute business (getting her tickets, getting New Zealand and Australian dollars, etc). We were up late getting through the necessary packing lists (and freaking out for a bit trying to ensure she had the right baggage). Tomorrow… she flies off. Woah. It’s been a somewhat emotional weekend in that regards, but we’re holding up. I’m sure tomorrow will be another matter, though. The kids are quite sad that she’ll be gone for a month as well. She’s getting some jitters, too, but that’s mainly because there’s been SO much running around getting the plans finalized that she began to wonder if it was all worth it. I explained to her again how it IS worth it. She’ll have an amazing time. And I. Well, I’ll be counting the days, of course 🙂
Tonight, we have supper at my parents (since we can’t all be there tomorrow night). The kids will, of course, have more gifts to open. And probably a few more tomorrow when my sister and brother come over. And then one more on Jan 1st when the three of us head over to my in-laws for brunch. 🙂 Extended families may be rough some times, but you can’t deny that it makes for interesting times during the holidays 🙂
Maybe more later. If not, tomorrow. (btw, I have missed reading all your entries these last couple of days 🙂 )