Sweet Moon

It was supposed to be an early bedtime tonight. Both quite tired and thus decided to just lay in bed snacking on fruits and drinking water and iced tea. At 9:45pm I switched off the television and made my way into the Baby’s room just to look out the window and watch the full moon rise. What a beautiful and peaceful sight it made as it hovered there, smiling down, with wisps of clouds across its face. Chantale joined me for a bit and we just breathed in the fresh air coming in from outside and enjoyed the moment of peace. She went back to bed and I set up a few stones that needed recharging before coming downstairs to see what’s going on here on LJ. Doesn’t surprise me that many are speaking of James Doohan. I was also quite sad at the news and just realized I never called my folks to tell them. See, my mom, dad, and brother met him when he was in town back in 1986 or so during a promotional tour for the Star Trek video tapes. My folks have a nice photo of him with my mom and brother, and another one (framed) with just my dad. I’ve been wanting to borrow that picture for ages now so I can scan myself a copy.

Anyhow, for a quick briefing on those who might not know, Chantale’s appointment today went somewhat quickly and well. We did go for an NST (non-stress test) to make sure the baby was doing all right and he was. The current plan is to go back on Monday for another one followed by an ultrasound to make sure there’s plenty of amniotic fluid for him. Afterwards, another appointment on Wednesday to basically set an appointment for an induction. At least, that’s the “plan”. The baby, of course, can simply decide to step out into the world at which point we’ll just follow his lead 🙂

In other, web-related, news, I finally moved The Savage Land to a new Host. Once the updated information is propigated throughout the net, savageland.com will point to its own server. 500 Meg of space means I won’t have to worry about running out of space when uploading more Comicopia covers (I’ve already sent up the first color cover we ever did, back in issue 30 – our 6th year anniversary). The rest will now be able to go up as well. Plus, more space means more photos which is always fun. Another great part about it is that I’ve got a whole lot more control on this server including cgi, perl, ssl, ssi, frontpage extensions, and a slew of other stuff should I be inclined to use them. Also, direct access to my logs means I get to see a lot more of what the traffic is really like. All this, of course, in order to properly revamp that site into something more meaningful (meaning the writing, parenting, and SRP stuff – not just Comicopia which had a nice revamp a few months back).

Funny. I’m now ready to go back and read a bit before bed, and Chantale just joins me with hot food. She got hungry waiting for me to get back 🙂

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