Run Baby Run Baby Run Baby Run….

Ever hear that song? By Sheryl Crow? I often feel like that these days. Running from one thing to the other and back again and off again and one more time! 🙂 This weekend was definitely a case of going all over. Starting from Friday night with picking up the kids from school, going home, starting to clean up (if you can imagine this, it took me about 3 hours in total to wash and dry all the dishes that had piled up over the weekend!!), off to Picasso’s for a nice meal with Chantale, the kids, and Jeff. At home, Chantale was totally fed up with how Melyssa excema was just NOT getting better and thus headed off to the pharmacy to try to get her some 1% cream. They wouldn’t give it to her without a prescription and so Saturday morning I got up at 8am and attempted to get an appointment for Melyssa at Tiny Tots (this, after being up till about 4am chatting with Chantale). Appointment made, I took off to Wal-Mart and Zellers for some last minute-gifts (at 9:30am) and then to the copy shop to drop off the copies needed for Comicopia. Went back home, picked everyone up, and headed off to the clinic. Melyssa and I went in while Chantale and James went to Fruiterie 440. From there, we headed home for a quick lunch and then, while Chantale and the kids stayed home to bake cookies and continue cleaning up, I headed off to Maxi for groceries, Jean Coutu for Melyssa’s prescriptions, a speciality store to get an halogen bulb that had burnt months ago, the post office to try to get special mailing envelopes for Comicopia (they don’t make them any more!), back to the copy shop to get the copies, and back to Jean Coutu to get the filled prescription!

Are you dizzy yet? I am!

Finally got home just in time to rush through a shower and continue preparation for supper. My best man and his wife were coming over and as it was one of my “speciality” meals, I was getting everything ready food-wise (outside of what Chantale had already prepared – table, candles, dip). It turned out to be a really good meal, btw. With some good wine and excellent coffee 🙂 We chatted till way past midnight. I couldn’t believe I was able to stay up that late on just 4 hours of sleep from the previous night!

Sunday wasn’t that bad/hectic (outside of having to get up early because the kids were making noise). We went to church, then to the in-laws (yes, I’ve considered Chantale’s parents as In-Laws for a while now 🙂 ), for some coffee and German Donuts. Afterwards, Chantale and I went looking for Aqua Babies while the kids stayed behind to help with the baking of Apple Cakes 🙂 When we finally got home, the kids took their baths, I made supper, and we had a pretty nice fourth advent meal. We took them back (after enjoying a Petro Canada car-wash) and then headed off to pick something up for Xmas.

When we got home, we ended up turning around and heading back to the West Island for some Apple Cider at Second Cup 🙂 Crazy 🙂 A few hours later, got back home and wrapped a few more gifts before calling it a night. And still, it wasn’t lights out until after midnight…

I may be losing a lot of sleep lately, but considering it’s been filled with making the best and most of my time with Chantale, you won’t hear me complaining 🙂

Work today has been busy as well but I’m glad it’s almost over. I’m looking forward to going home even though I’ve got a stop to make at the Copy Shop again as well as another Post Office run before getting some food and then heading out to see Lord of the Rings 2 !!! 🙂

wow. that was a lot of writing. of course this means there’ll be no replies/ comments/ posts on it… 🙂

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