Sitting in bed watching Sex in the City volume 2 🙂 I told Chantale how I wanted to post today but just couldn’t make the time. Way too busy at work. And now, I’m too tired to write up a proper post. And thus, lj sound bites!
Why does Bono Vox look like Baronscartop?
Personally, I don’t like anything in my ass. -Sanford, SITC 🙂
The baby is getting into the weirdest positions lately. In fact, Chantale’s belly looks like a giant-sized apple 🙂 Her belly-button is pushed in while on both sides of it her stomache is pushed outwards 🙂 Cute.
We picked up the baby stroller at Sears tonight! Got home, put it together, and tried out all the gizmos 🙂 NOW we’re ready for the baby to come! Bed, Commode, Car Seat, Stroller 🙂 Whenever you’re ready little buddy!
Do you ever shut the fuck up? -Some guy, SITC 🙂
Sunday was a nice family kind of day. In the afternoon, however, I had hit a point of fatigue and attempted to nap on the couch. The kids, bored of being outside, came in. James hung around the stairs and Melyssa came and stood over me. I pop open an eyelid and look at her. “Hello!” she said. When I asked what she wanted, she replied, “Nothing!” and just giggled. So, basically, they were bored and just wanted to hang around. I know exactly what Chantale was talking about now 🙂 I figured nothing more was going to happen and thus got up to make myself some Espresso. Chantale and James made some chocolate chip cookies and when they were done, Melyssa and I made some Banana Muffins 🙂 Let’s say we got to enjoy some very tasty desserts 🙂
CTV put on a tremendous full-day broadcast of Live8 on Saturday. Made me damned happy to be living here. Got the whole thing videotaped – 3 full tapes 🙂
Why does Carrie Bradshaw on SITC look like my sister-in-law?
Yeah, I’m in a weird mood lately.
Is it true? Are all men freaks? -Carrie Bradshaw, SITC
Okay, I’ll just end here. 🙂