I’m having a pretty good day 🙂 Outside of the fact that I’ve been very much stressing on Comicopia for the last while (and this morning especially!), I’ve been quite good. Took care of everything regarding Comicopia and decided that there really was no choice but to leave Deadline where it was, but simply push the mailing off of the issue until I get back from Lac St. Jean (where Chantale and I will be once again for Xmas).
Heh. This morning, the Lord of the Rings soundtrack was playing while I was driving in. Hearing celtic chanting and deep bass drum beats while weaving through traffic in drizzling rain was quite surreal, let me tell ya! 🙂
Work-wise, things have been steady but not overpowering…. yet. They will be. I “see” them coming. But they’ll hold off until 2003 🙂 But there’s NEWS! I was just contacted and asked for my authorization to allow Standard Life to use my photo (from the commercial stills) for a POSTER that’ll be on display during the I&T Kick-Off in January! 🙂 (this one-day meeting (followed by a cocktail) in January is where all the I&T workers of the company get together and hear about our plans for the next year). I’ve been quite proud of being one of the very select few in IT to be part of the commercials and the idea that they’ll now be using my face (along with 2 or 3 other IT workers) for the kick-off posters is… well.. a really BIG kick!! 🙂 I’ve been laughing about it since the call came in a few hours ago 🙂
Add all this to the good-feelings I got last night when Chantale and I went to the kids’ school to see their Holiday Concert and I’m flying high 🙂 I couldn’t go see Melyssa during the afternoon, but Chantale went. At night, we were both there and after James grade sang, he ran into the audience and spent the entire time on our (mostly Chantale’s) laps. 🙂 Melyssa eventually joined us during the intermission for the final Nutcracker play, too. What was also really cool was how after the show, I introduced Chantale to a number of women from the Parents Council. Lots of ooing and aahhing along with “Wow, she’s beautiful! You really lucked out, Mike!” made me smile. And then one woman says “I love his smile!” turns to Chantale and says “that’s probably what got you, eh?” DEEP RED BLUSH by me 🙂
So, yeah, I’m quite in a good mood 🙂 And it’s almost quitting time at which point I go pick up Chantale and then the kids. And tonight, we’re heading to Picasso’s! 🙂