Now I’m Smiling :-)

I’ve been having an interesting few weeks recently in regards to my writing. I’ve been chatting with an editor who had been interested in some of my Fast Fiction pieces (and who actually impressed me with his own skills!). It’s very rare that I “click” with someone who’s suggestions on my work are bang-on all the time. At any rate, the important and happy thing is that yesterday I got confirmation from him that he had accepted 3 of the 7 FF pieces I submitted. 🙂

Yes, I was very happy and immediately called Chantale to tell her that he had also accepted the third one under discussion (he had already confirmed for two this past weekend). She was happy but we took it in stride. I can’t explain it – it was as though we knew it was coming, just a matter of time.

Yesterday, I met with some creative friends (one, a writer/artist self-publisher, the other, a successful artist) and we discussed our various projects. When I mentioned the fact that I had confirmed those 3 pieces, they basically “smiled and nodded” in congrats/ good news. But, again, it was as though we all took it in stride. It is exciting and happy news but I guess we’ve been in the business for so long that it’s not as mind-shattering as a “first” sale 🙂

Today, however, I emailed Warren Ellis and told him that although I had already thanked him TWICE at the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon recently (once at his panel, once at his table), I needed to thank him AGAIN for having “introduced” the Fast Fiction challenges on his LJ – especially because I did get those 3 pieces accepted. In other words, I made a sale because of him.

This was not the first time I’ve emailed him, but it WAS the first time he ever replied. 3 words: “Oh, excellent. Congratulations.” And now I’m BEAMING with pride and happiness 🙂 You’ll all have to wait, unfortunately, before I can give you more details about the pieces and where they’ll appear 🙂

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