Chantale’s dog-sitting tonight. In a way it’s good because the heat at home is really unbearable. Whatever cool breeze was coming in earlier is gone now and I’m actually sitting in the basement – coolest place in the house – at 84 degrees. Even being practically naked doesn’t help.
I miss being with her but we’ve chatted on the phone off and on for the last couple of hours so I can still feel her near 🙂 In the meantime, though, I’ve used this time to do some serious catching up on Comicopia. I’ve had my stuff rough-printed in my scrapbook for weeks now, but never got around to typing it up. Add to that the various news pieces I need to include (as well as my report on the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon and Shuster Awards) and I feel like I’m paddling just to stay afloat. I should be able to wrap this all up during the coming week as I’ve got other work waiting for me. I have a couple of pieces under consideration and need to rework an older piece before attempting submission on it. The urge/ bug is there with a vengeance this time so it’s time to get my ass in gear. I realize how much I’m missing it.
As an example, Thursday night, wiped and burnt-out from a really tough day at work, I’m desperately trying to calm down long enough to fall asleep. Chantale is by my side trying to soothe my nerves and calm me down to no avail. Too much on my mind and not all of it good. She leaves for a while to take care of a whining dog and I start to think about the particular pieces I had submitted and the ones that were requested changes on and I begin to feel a change come over me. As I’m lying there contemplating this and future work, Chantale comes back to bed and breathes a sigh of relief. “Now this is the energy I love!” she says. “Your aura has completely changed!” I just smile because I feel it as well. A renewed sense of energy that comes over me during the creation process. So tangible it’s almost visible.
My goal is to ride this through as much as possible and get back in stride. I made a good start tonight but have to keep the momentum going. There will be a shift in the work I’ll be producing in the coming weeks, but it’s more a focus shift than anything else. We’ll see what comes out of it. As of right now, though, I do believe I’ll be doing NaNo again this year, but in my own way. What that means… time will tell.
For now, I need a quick, cold shower, and then to calm down enough to sleep. Tomorrow is another long, busy, and filled work day. I’ve got another new consultant joining my new team and a large number of other administrative things to do. … oh joy. like I really have the urge to sleep now… sigh.
Back to dreaming up new worlds and adventures…