I don’t know where to start. I’ve been offline for too long and it just feels like too much has happened to keep track of it all. I’ll try a brain dump and see if it helps:
My birthday weekend was nice and relaxing. Got a haircut Saturday morning then spent some time in the yard and cleaning up around the house. Yes, on my birthday 🙂 And I even washed the windows in the living room much to my wife’s surprise. What can I tell you? I was in the mood. My parents came over in the afternoon and we had a nice time chatting. Honestly, it doesn’t happen often so when it does, it’s noticeable 🙂
I went to see a specialist on Tuesday. I seem to be fine now but a battery of tests are still required. Sadly, one of those has a waitlist of 6 to 9 months. Insane. I can die before an appointment is set up. I could go private, but that could be between 600 and 800 dollars. even with insurance, that’s too much to cover.
Tuesday night, I joined Chantale in her pre-natal swimming class. I was one of two guys there and it was fun 🙂 I’m invited to continue going for the rest of the session and plan to do so. 🙂
Wednesday night was the Spring Concert at the kids’ school. Sigh. I admit to feeling discouraged at what I see at these events. From the lack of (what I call) Principal Authority to the “idea” that these things are not at all important and thus kids are free to dress like slobs. I often wonder if I was the same way when I was younger – not taking events like this seriously. The heat in the gym was unbelievable, though. I’m surprised Chantale managed to sit through almost 2 hours of the show (before I had enough and decided to leave). At least this year no kid threw up on stage 🙂
My left wrist has really been hurting lately. I’m hoping another specialist can help me with it. The last thing I need is to not be able to type…
Last night we went to Rona and picked up all the paint we’ll need for the Baby’s room. Plans are afoot to begin this weekend. Forward!
Tomorrow’s Marc-Andre’s Wedding. Chantale and I have been looking forward to this and we expect a nice time, even though we won’t know anyone else there. Still, we took a hotel room at the hotel where the reception is being held (in Saint-Hyacinthe) so we don’t have to worry about driving home tired 🙂
Work has been extremely busy. This taking-over-a-big-project deal was bigger than I anticipated and much more important to the company than I originally thought. Wow. I’m in the spotlight on this. No fear about stepping up to the plate, but the learning curve is made tough by the recent upsurge of technical issues requiring my attention with my main Team. That’s the main reason I’ve been offline so much. My days are full and wipe me out. After I get home and have supper, it’s usually close to 9pm at which point I don’t want to do anything but go lie down and watch some television…
I’m bothered by the lack of time I’ve had to read for leisure and/or write. But that’s nothing new…
Okay, no more. Gotta get back and focus…