
I’m going nuts. I’m getting about 5 emails every 10 minutes and I just can’t keep up. I haven’t been THIS busy in I don’t know when. The technical upgrade projects and support needs are getting wilder and more urgent all the time. And on top of that, something else happened (what I hinted at before the Toronto con).

I have been given another 2 Teams to manage.

In a way, it’s one Team, but in a big way it isn’t. Basically, there is one team of 3 who are involved in evolution and support of a major company-wide system. Those same three are also putting in some time to a Project involved in a big cross-platform upgrade of said major system. Each is distinct with its own needs and priorities. The project has 7 full-time people on it. That makes 10. Plus my current team of 6 (of whom one has just joined) brings me to 16 people to manage.

Yes, it’s a lot more responsibilities, but no it’s not really a promotion. At least, not yet (i hope).

Of course, on top of all this is the fact that my brain is quite often swimming around the truth that Chantale is due very soon. I need to ensure I have enough energy at the end of the day to give to her as well! So far I’m doing okay, but some days… woah…

Speaking of baby, we’re going to visit the JGH birthing center tonight for a tour. It’ll definitely help with the plans of “when it happens” 🙂

And speaking of other things… I can’t. I’ve run out of time.

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