It’s Friday and I’m glad. Walked to the train again this morning, making it two days in a row. Very nice to be out on the streets at 6:30 in the morning. Clean, clear, crisp air… ahh. I need to get new shoes. The New Balance ones I have suck garbage. One really cool thing about the walk this morning (besides the fact that it feels good to be moving and helps wake me up!) is that I found $10 on the street. Nice way to start the day 🙂

Last night’s Meditation Circle was… different. I’ve been in a number of circles before, but not one in which we consciously worked to link our energy. Not used to being around so much grey and brown… I’m much more comfortable with the familiar blues, greens, and yellows linked to Chantale and my guides. I really needed that time, though. It finally helped me shed the large poundage of stress from off my shoulders and definitely helped me sleep last night.

This morning on the train, I was a writing machine again. wow. I was quoted Shakespeare last night about how he wrote was was shown to him (write what I know) and this morning my fingers were definitely linked to my inner eye. tres cool.

Well I’m all over the place this morning but that’s because (a) it’s Friday! (b) I’m leaving early to pick up my kids with Chantale and see their project work of the past year, and (c) this weekend is for relaxing and lounging around the house and garden! I’m SO looking forward to “hanging” with my kids… 🙂

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