It’s Monday again. Boy that day really sneaks up on you. But I guess it doesn’t help that I only got to bed shortly after 2am… 🙂 Karine! I realized why you were so confused when Adam told you it was 1am! The clock you were looking at had stopped at 11:30 since its battery died! 🙂
So, Friday night was a blast. Even though I was so whacked out on caffeine after having literally slept only a finger-full of hours (as opposed to a handful 🙂 ) the night before, I was conscious enough to really enjoy myself. It was great seeing everyone again and thank you all for making it down there! Lu, thanks for keeping me in stitches 😉
After that party broke up, Chantale and I went to visit with Karine and Adam. It was a very nice end to the evening and also quite funny how it only took an hour to move from the kitchen to the front door 🙂 All that mainly because I had to get up early Saturday morning to be there for my kids’ catchechism course. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep well that night either and thus went through the day in somewhat of a daze. After the course, I met up with Francisco and we had lunch at his restaurant. From there, we headed downtown and after some walking around settled in for SIN CITY (oh yeah!). We spent the next few hours on St. Denis first at a BD shop and then at his cousin’s restaurant (Chez Le Portugais – beautiful!) where we chatted with the owner and the sommelier, tried some wines, and ate some food. Ended the night at Timmie’s (what did you think of your first French Vanilla?) and then I headed home to my darling wife whom I missed very much.
Sunday, I tried to sleep in. Didn’t work. Just wasn’t comfortable – my neck and shoulders ached. The week of stress obviously affected me. Still, got started on domestic chores including bringing the patio furniture out of storage. Considering how beautifully sunny it was, being on the deck was wonderful 🙂 Karine, Adam, and Mathieu showed up in the late afternoon and we spent the next several hours just chatting once Mathieu was happily settled down in his soon-to-be-born friend’s playpen 🙂
Today so far has been one scheduling nightmare after another. My calendar is one big blotchy mess and I can almost feel the small stress calm before the big stress storm… 🙂 I need caffeine. Now.