I’m exhausted, I admit it.
We went to our first regular pre-natal class last night and talked about what to expect leading up to and including the delivery. We discussed ways to prepare ourselves and what we should and should not forget in regards to when the time comes. We even watched a 20-minute movie on a delivery which was actually the very first time I saw a full/ complete birth up close like that. Cool. 🙂
During the discussion, one topic came up (again) which once more reinforced how it is the woman that is pregnant and is always fully aware of that fact. Yes, the man has it easier in that every morning that he gets up, he doesn’t have to worry about what will fit versus what doesn’t – he doesn’t have to worry about finding a comfortable position to sleep in, or having to spend so much time in the bathroom.
Yes, it’s true that we’re not the ones who are pregnant and thus don’t have that feeling/ thought/ reminder of a baby growing and moving in our bodies. But I will tell you what we DO have: worries, anxieties, fears, concerns. All this about the woman who’s carrying the baby – the woman we love and hate to see in pain, hurting, or suffering. And you know what else? That’s on my mind every single moment of every day. Yes, I don’t directly think about the baby all the time, but I can guarantee that I think about my wife all the time.
So, no. We’re not pregnant. But we sure as hell don’t forget the fact that it is the woman we love who is.