A story for t!

I got to thinking recently how I never posted any of the songs I used to do “back in the day” with my various bands. I had mentioned to t! the last time we spoke how sometimes it all seems to surreal. Back in the early days of the Montreal Hardcore Punk scene things were created and celebrated that I just don’t see or hear any more. But at the same time, there was a lot I created that I feel a little awkward about would I to be singing it now – with a wife and a child on the way.

Still, it was a time when although there was a lot of tension in the air between the cops and the punkers, things didn’t always degenerate into fistfights/ guns/ or knives (as in WAY too many examples recently). I look at the “world” today and really do feel that a lot of the public violence on the streets came from the world of Rap where it was suddenly cool to be a “gangster”. It was as though Punkers were about Anarchy and not wanting to take shit any more whereas Rap seems to be an “I’ll do what I want and shoot anyone who tries to stop me”

Sure, maybe I’m overgeneralizing, but when I look at the papers and such and see night after night of beatings, shootings, stabbings, jackings, etc etc etc and KNOW that back in my time that kind of shit was frowned upon, I have to wonder. It’s like reading “The Outsiders” and then when the movie version is made, it looks like all the violent parts of Pulp Fiction, Scarface, From Dusk till Dawn, and Resevoir Dogs all put together.

Anyhow, the point of this entry wasn’t to go on a rant, it was instead to post part of the lyrics to one of those old songs. This one was written while I was still with “Dirty Feet” and slapped together, I believe, after a Genetic Control concert. I’ve only included the beginning, though, and put behind a cut due to the amount of swearing 🙂

[Song: I Smell Bacon]

I Smell Bacon – where can he be?
Stupid Motherf*er is spying on me!
He’s hiding in the bushes
He’s hiding in the trees
Why the f*k can’t he let me be?

Bacon! Bacon! Who you trying to scare?
Bacon! Bacon! Come on out of there!

[Lyrics (c) Mike Aragona]
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