
So it’s Wednesday – Hump Day. Mmmm. 🙂

Tomorrow night after work we begin our long drive up to Lac St. Jean. Even with all the extra stops we’ll be making, we should still get there by midnight. This will give us two full days plus half a day on Sunday to enjoy our time in Metabetchouan. Outside of some studying I have to seriously get into, the only other thing on the agenda is to sleep, relax, and read. And considering how much I’m enjoying The Mists of Avalon, I should consider bringing up The Lady of Avalon as well.

My brain hasn’t been on much outside of the list of things to do (in terms of Family, Friends, Creativity, etc), but still I feel a calm about it all. A list might ensure everything is taken care of, but at the same time the enormity of it would probably freak me out. 🙂 At least my taxes are done and all that’s left is to file. That’s always a good thing.

Hm. Not much else to say, it seems (except that I’m very happily enjoying my fix of PB&J :)). Maybe I should go take a walk to Cafe Depot and relax with my book and a specialty coffee…

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