I always enjoy sifting through my old document directories. Every now and again I’ll rediscover a piece of fiction I wrote many years ago and totally forgot about. Then, re-reading it again (almost for the first time) I suddenly remember why, what, and when I wrote the piece – allowing me to enjoy it in a new way. Best of all, I have never hit upon an old story I hated. Sure there are some I could easily see myself tweaking, but most I prefer to leave alone and stand as a piece of history.
The funniest, though, is coming across proposals which never saw print anywhere. One such piece I found last year and was going to present in Comicopia when I decided it would be better suited to a specific issue. Another one I just came across today really depended on an artist for the full comedic effect to stand out (I proposed it again just now, though, so who knows). But still, I laughed. And thus laughing, put me in a good mood – up a notch from the sombre I’ve been feeling.
Ah, writing. What Magical Powers exist therein…