Random thoughts:
– The Mysterious Minute-Men Year 2: The Big Fat Thrill weighs in at 11,641 words (smallest of the collections – as expected). Paper edits done for Y3 now need to be typed on the computer.
– The People’s Gospel Choir of Montreal sang at our Palm Sunday service. Wow. What incredible, positive, energy! I don’t have their web address handy, but there is a write-up from the Montreal Mirror online you can read.
– Saturday night was the annual Standard Life Dinner/ Dance. Another incredible event, this time with mini-performances from a small Cirque du Soleil troupe. Holy Mackarel. These folks can actually perform the physical stunts I read and write about in my comics fiction! Jaw-dropping.
– Shout-out to my NanoFriends: How’s April 8th for another supper evening like the first time? Considering all our schedules, I figured I’d make it far enough away to give plenty of advance warning 🙂
– My Loma 311 – Business Law for Financial Services Professionals exam is scheduled for the morning of March 31st. I’m not ready for it. Much studying left to do.
– Going up north to Lac St. Jean for Easter Weekend. Looking forward to getting away and “closer” to nature, as well as visiting Chantale’s GrandParents. Hope to recapture some inner stillness/ peace while there. Will probably use the visit to pick Grandma’s brain in terms of what she likes to see on Television in the furthering of brain sparks for ideas.
– Taxes. Need to complete them. Chantale’s entered the data of what we have, I need to include my Savage Enterprises work reports and file. The sooner the better. Bills are piling up.
– Brain won’t stay quiet. Need to reign it in. So much desire to do so much more…