Chantale just pointed out that I hadn’t yet posted what our baby is supposed to be! Silly me. I guess I got all caught up with other parenting duties that I forgot about LJ. Imagine that 🙂 Anyhow, before I get to that, I wanted to put these pictures up. As stated earlier, I rescanned the first Ultrasound pictures and added them to the gallery. They’re much clearer now so you can make better comparisons with the newest ones. Click on any image to see the entire gallery.

Ultrasound #1 Pic 1 Ultrasound #1 Pic 1
That’s definitely a baby! Face, hands, and leg clearly visible in this profile 🙂
Ultrasound #1 Pic 2 Ultrasound #1 Pic 2
Here’s a clearer photo of my profile. Lips, nose, and chin visible and you can even see my foot!
Ultrasound #1 Pic 3 Ultrasound #1 Pic 3
Yes, I’m turning my head because after 30 minutes of poking and prodding, I want to sleep! See me stretching my leg out! I’ll keep kicking!

And what will the baby be? Big, according to the technician… 🙂 And a BOY! Yes, I’m surprised because I was sure it was going to be a Girl. But, I’m not disappointed because… it’s a BABY! 🙂 Chantale is thrilled and James is very happy (finally! I won’t be the only boy!). Melyssa, although wanting another sister, is also quite happy to be a Big Sister to a Little Brother 🙂 Casey? She’s happy to have more flesh to lick 🙂

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