finally thursday!

I didn’t get better yesterday morning, so I took the 12:30pm train home. I suffered through the entire ride, expecting to explode at any moment – guts and internal organs just splattered across the windows and strewn the length of the train… But I managed to get home intact and lucid. I basically hit the bed at 2pm and didn’t get up until 6pm when I had to go pickup Chantale at the train station. Even so, I was sleeping by 9:30pm…

So, after some pretty bizarre dreams involving a number of food/ beverage/ dancing/ music/ sleep/ and eventually theatre orgies, I managed to get out of bed at 6:30am. Yes, very bizarre dreams. I don’t remember when I didn’t have a dream involving hundreds of people that I didn’t wake up with a splitting headache. But this was definitely one of them.

I do have a headache now, though. Isn’t it bizarre to wake up feeling good, leave the house feeling good, commute to work feeling good and then get hit by a massive headache the minute you walk into work? And that’s before finding out I have 4 meetings today, 3 of which will be intense! Thus, time to inhale some caffeine and down some migraine advil and shovel my way through it all…

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