6 hours of sleep last night! I can’t believe I’m awake! But, that’s what happens when a full bladder forces you out of bed and a crazy puppy decides its time for her to wake up, too! 🙂
Karine! Adam! We had a wonderful time last night! I really look forward to many future such nights! 🙂 (and then perhaps I could remember to ask to look through your sketchbook! 🙂 ) I hope Mathieu allowed you to get some sleep this morning/ afternoon 🙂
Hey folks! It’s Announcement time! I finally got in touch with the Aurora Awards committee aaaand… Comicopia will now be on the list of titles eligible for nomination! It took long enough for it to happen (and would have been cool last year since the Auroras were hosted in Montreal), but then again, considering 2005 will be our 15th anniversary, I think we deserve it 🙂 Ballots and Links will be posted when the time gets closer 🙂
All in all, this weekend has brought about some good news and work 🙂 And now, back to bed! 🙂