Wow, where does the time go?
I took Chantale out to supper last night (Palais D’Aisie) as she was craving chinese food. We got there at 9:30pm and by closing time (11pm) we were the only two left. It was a nice and very filling meal, but it was also especially pleasant to be able to sit in such a huge restaurant and being the only table waited on 🙂 Made me feel like a multi-billionaire who bought out the place to impress his lady 🙂
But, as I said, very filling. We were passed out before midnight even rolled around. And then, 6:45am, I’m up and about. Hair appointment at 8am and when I got back, I headed right back online. Been doing a lot of net-legwork for The Shusters and calling up old contacts. Before I knew it, noon rolled around. Had a number of household chores to do and now that I’m finally getting tired enough to go take a nap… I realize it’s 2pm. Woah.
Then again, since the net seems quiet enough and no further replies have come in from my earlier queries, I guess I can get offline now and go rest up a little. Not every day I can enjoy an afternoon nap 🙂
Oh, here’s a quote that made me laugh (and will probably be used one day in the future):
Baci avuti facilmente, si dimenticano facilmente.
Kisses easily stolen are soon forgotten.
Detto Inglese
For a nice quote, though, I leave you with:
Sull’orologio dell’amore e il bacio che scandisce i minuti.
Kisses mark the minutes on the dial of love.