Greetings Readers! 🙂 I received today a bit more information on what the Shuster Award will look like. And so, for those of you interested, here is the description:
“We will be basing the award plaque on the classic cover of Superman #1 that Shuster illustrated but instead of the Man of Steel in the oval frame it will instead contain a portrait of Joe Shuster himself and the very talented Canadian artist, Tom Grummett (who has a long history illustrating both Superman and Superboy), will be doing the full colour illo of Shuster. Of course, the framework design on the Superman cover will be redrawn and slightly updated (so as not to put DC’s nose out of joint by simply using a copy of the original) and the logo will now spell SHUSTER instead of Superman using the same classic lettering style. In the small box on the cover that contained the comic price we will be inserting a stylized Canadian maple leaf and the whole image will be imprinted onto a metal surface, in full colour, through a process called sublimation and then mounted onto a brass plate and a plaque base that resembles a marble surface — the individual award information fitting nicely into the area on the cover that originally said “The Complete Story of the Daring Exploits of the One and Only SUPERMAN”.
You can imagine how great it would be to have one 🙂 Definitely something I would display proudly in my home…