It’s bizarre. I seem to have a lot more “action” going on in my head than I’m letting out on these boards. Not sure why unless it’s a massive combination of workload plus insufficient sleep plus major fatigue at end of day. Driftless, listless sometimes comes into play. And just for that, I’m gonna post a few random things:
1- Tuesday night I got a chance to watch The Ring. Outside of a small handful of moments-made-to-jump, the movie was lame. Sure, it was intriguing and interesting (I think I was more fascinated by the removal of the fly from the videotape than anything else) but for all its hype, I was expecting to be scared if not disgusted. I was neither. Have I become too jaded?
2- Monday? night we watched America’s Sweetheart. This was a movie I wanted to catch at the theatres since three of my favorites were in it: Billy Crystal (fav funny guy), John Cusak (fav cool guy), and Christopher Walken (fav psycho guy). I’m glad I didn’t. It was the most conflicting movie I’ve ever seen. The first hour is pure garbage. Stupid, wasteful, pathetic, disgusting. I couldn’t believe the dreck. And then… the last half hour is pure brilliance! I could not stop laughing! What a payoff! Walken’s character is killer and Cusak’s and Crystal’s reactions had me in stitches. A complete turnaround, that’s for sure!
4- Per raro che sia vero amore, e meno raro della vera amicizia. (True love is rare, true friendship rarer) F. de la Rochefoucauld
4b- Then the best thing to do would be to fall in love with your bestest buddy, n’est-ce-pas? 🙂