Coincidentally, I was about to post up a note about The Shuster Awards today, when I got the latest update in my mailbox. After some re-thinking and re-alignment, the executive committee has decided to alter what we’ll be voting on this first year. Instead of all the categories mentioned earlier, we’ll now be concentrating on the following 5:
– Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Writer (not eligible if you drew your own story)
– Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Artist (penciller, inker, colorist, etc. Not eligible if you wrote your own story)
– Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Cartoonist (someone who wrote and illustrated their own work)
– Outstanding Canadian Publisher
– Outstanding Achievement (for the benefit of the Canadian comic book community – fan or professional)
The Hall of Fame awards are not open for public vote the first year but instead chosen by a panel of Canadian comic book experts/ historians.
I, obviously, have my list of recommendations and nominations for most part, but there were a few I had to research. And that, my friends, is one of the best things about all this. The best reward of research is in finding out about so many talents out there who deserve wider recognition. I do hope one of the outcomes of The Shuster Awards is to do just that.
It is quite interesting to see who out there is a Canadian creator, but it’s also a little sad to see some very talented folks who weren’t eligible this year since they did not have anything published in 2004. Hopefully, that will change in 2005 (I only know of 1 person for sure).
I mentioned before how great it is to be a part of this, but I also now realize how… not intimidating, but at least really secretive it has to be. I know quite a number of folks in the community – most of who I greatly respect and admire. Of course, this does not get in the way of my responsibility of choosing wisely/ correctly/ or fairly. It’s the work that must be judged, not the person. Well, except for the Outstanding Achievement category 🙂 I’m honored to be on the ground floor of these awards, and I hope I get the chance to do it again. I don’t know what the rules are in regards to the Nominating Committee, but if I’m asked again in the future, I know I won’t turn it down 🙂
“But what I’d really love would be to do Wayne’s World for real…” 🙂 In my case, of course, it would be to continue developing my TOP SECRET PROJECT and get back on those bookshelves. And continue to pester my cohort from Scarlet Rose Productions to release those incredible books still locked away in the vaults. Art like that should not remain hidden from the world!! 🙂
For now, back to my picks. I’m still very curious to see what these awards are going to look like! Of course, I’ll keep you all up to date. When I know, and can tell, you’ll know too 🙂