The entire weekend seemed a non-stop marathon. James came home friday night with a French project he had to finish. Firstly, he had gotten an extension which we didn’t approve of, mainly because the subject matter did not really require it. But then, when we got to review it, we were appalled at how messy and incomplete it was. After a long diatribe on how important it is to do well in school and the proper way to put projects together, we basically made him redo the entire thing. We were very upset at the fact that he had received it two weeks ago but didn’t attempt to finish it until thursday (when he realized he was missing something).
It’s quite frustrating to work so hard with him (and at times Melyssa) teaching them the importance of staying up to date with school work and doing your best, etc. We give them these valuable lessons, then they go “away” for two weeks and when we see them again, we’re having to repeat the same lessons.
Let’s be brutally honest. They both would be better off living with Chantale and I. Their schoolwork would DEFINITELY improve. Exactly the way his used to when we all lived in Montreal closer to his first school – we were closer and thus had more access to him and his schoolwork, thus the lessons stuck and his work was good.
One day it’ll work out. In the meantime, we keep plugging away, knowing that they at least understand how much we love them and want them to succeed (because we KNOW they can and they know they can do better).
Never a dull moment.