I Can Finally Breathe!

Pizza and studying was great last night (although I did manage to annoy Chantale at one point by going off on a tangent and talking about stuff that needs doing 🙂 ) I went to bed at at 1am and she crawled in at around 3:30am. I fought the alarm for an hour this morning before finally giving up and getting ready for work. Even brought my books along to study in the metro but after 1 chapter my eyes couldn’t take any more and I had to rest them.

Walked into work with a TON of stuff to do! Suddenly all kinds of things came due and I was hopping like mad trying to get through it all. 3 hours later and I can finally breathe easier. All the rushes are done and although I still have tons more to do (read and make notes on mainly), they can wait. Even until next week 🙂 It’s almost lunch time and I’m looking forward to going out for a walk since it’s not really cold today. It’s going to be another busy weekend, so I’m trying to enjoy as much leisure time as I can 🙂

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