I realize I haven’t been around in over a week now, so I figure it’s time for an update!
Thursday afternoon I went for a Gum Graft operation. Ouch. Really. I was so pumped full of novacaine and still it hurt. But, it was quite an interesting experiment as well. As I writer, it intrigues me to go through things like this. As I sat there in the chair and watched (what little I could) of the dentist as she sliced away at my gum and then at my palette, I was whisked away to my “office” and “wrote” in my head what I was experiencing, getting ready to include it in a story in some fashion 🙂 Afterwards, I got my painkillers but never actually needed any. The few times during the week that I was in pain was more like a headache than anything and my Migraine Advil’s worked great.
Friday morning, after a much-needed haircut, Chantale, Casey, and I took off for Lac St. Jean to spend a few days up at Grandma’s. Long drive, but so worth it! Spent all the time just lounging around relaxing (outside of one shopping spree). I managed to get through a number of graphic novels (even finishing off Essential Dracula #3 in one day! Yow!)
We drove back to town on Tuesday and I came in to work yesterday. I can’t say I’ve been feeling too well since then, though, as I’ve been constantly tasting blood. I do believe my palette is still bleeding at times. That, plus the itching of the stitches on my gums has been making me grumpy. Last night and this morning, every time I bent down, I feel like my left eyeball is just going to explode out of my head. Not fun at all. Especially when you add the fact that I ached all over this morning, as though I’m fighting something. In fact, after my management meeting this morning, I may end up going home. Hopefully some rest/ sleep will help. I have to call my dentist, however, as she has to remove my stitches and that compound that’s protecting it. If I can get that done without throwing up on her, I’ll be quite happy.
Also, unfortunately, although Comicopia is 98% complete, I’m not ready to send it out yet. I need to get the covers done and pick up some mailers (the “great white envelopes”) to send them off to members. As a Christmas tease, let me just tell those of you reading that all members will receive another gift this issue 🙂