No news is good news? I guess sometimes it is. Other times it just means that there’s too much going on. 🙂 Final church newsletter done. Tonight, I ship it out to the masses (hey! a pun! :>). Comicopia, 3 sections in and ready to copy. Covers ready to copy. Still awaiting a few. Deadline is friday buuuuuut….
I’ve got a gum graft scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. ouch. That means that Comicopia takes a small back seat and will only be in the mail mid next week.
Chantale is now working at Optimal Payments and it’s wonderful being able to come to work together and to see that she’s appreciated and happy there. That job came in out of the blue and so far it’s been great.
This weekend, we’re heading up to Lac St. Jean to visit Chantale’s Grandparents since we won’t have a chance to go for Xmas or New Year’s. This makes it a very short week this week and next and the one after that! 🙂 I get the kids on the evening of December 26th all the way to the morning of January 3rd. I’m so happy about that 🙂 I can never get enough of my kids and it’s absolutely marvelous having them over. This past weekend, after James’ handball tournament, we got home and set up the lights and the tree. Fun, homey, warm… “nice” 🙂
Picked up some DVDs last night – xmas gifts to myself mainly 🙂 Finally, Clerks X is in my hands. On friday, I actually also got an advance copy of Quantum Leap Season 2!! Woo! A great price at Wal-Mart. By the way, Karine, Gargoyles 1st season is now on sale at Future Shop as well. I picked it up for $27.99 and look forward to seeing it, but am waiting for the kids since James is also a big fan 🙂 (have I mentioned I have a Gargoyles place mat? 🙂 )
Okay, enough rambling. Gotta get back to my battles. Here’s hoping the time away will actually help me to unwind because right now, I just can’t seem to do so. Work is constantly on my mind and I seem to constantly be on the go-Go-GO. It’s tiring. But, The Mysterious Minute-Men Year 1 is complete (20k), Year 2 is in progress (with some places to grow!), and Ready for the Future has begun serializing in Comicopia 86. I’ll be working on Y2, Y3, and the Specials during the weekend as I’m still aiming to have a complete Collector’s Edition book out in January.
January is also to bring something new which I can’t discuss yet until the deal is done 🙂