Feeling Better :)

Well, I went out for lunch hoping that a coffee and a change of scenery would help. It didn’t. I was just as cranky and grumpy and wouldn’t take any crap from anyone, especially pushy, arrogant, asshole panhandlers. Hey buddy, it’s not up to ME to give you money just because you make more from donations than from taking a retail job. Don’t you dare PUSH me to give you money or I’ll kick your ass so hard you’ll be coughing up your colon.

Obviously, the scenery change didn’t help. And the coffee only helped make me more jittery. So when I’m passing by those damned strip clubs on St. Catherine’s and I hear the doorman yell, “She just turned 18, man! Just yesterday turned 18! Come check it out!” The only thing I want to check out is a broadsword that I can use to skewer your stinking butt.

*deep breath*

But, I get back to work and immediately immersed myself in problem solving. Figure, let’s get the mind off of life and into some code and maybe my outlook will change. It didn’t for a while. But, at one point, I was brought up to date on some projects affecting the team and, that helped. Some of the ‘grrrr’ came out of my growl and I was able to focus a bit more. Within the hour I had solved 2 big problems and feeling much better.

Now, I’ll be heading home soon where Chantale and I will heat up one of those delicious Delissio’s Rising Crust Pizza, crack open a couple of cans of coke (or bottles of Boomerang 🙂 ) and do some studying. It’s a nice thing to look forward to 🙂 She had an exam today, btw. Did it online and finished in 7 minutes (50 questions). She got 100%. She makes me giggle 🙂

Tomorrow’s friday (casual day) and hopefully means a good mood for me. You’ll read how it goes 🙂

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