It’s Done! NaNo is over!

Well there you have it. A lot longer to accomplish than last year, but it was a completely different project all together. As of 2pm today, November 19th, I have surpassed the 50k count, settling at 50,219 words before taking a break for the weekend. Next week, I review what I wrote and tighten it up to enable me to serialize it in Comicopia next year, as promised.

Why would I want to serialize it there, you might ask? Quite simple.

(pause for dramatic effect)

The reason for this is completely given away in the title of the novel.

(cue for next dramatic pause)

My 2004 NaNoWriMo Masterpiece is called:

The Mysterious Minute-Men: Ready For The Future!

All fans, past and present, may now bow at my feet and beg to read it. 🙂

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