Green Skies at Night

Who remembers Red Rider? (although their song is RED Skies at Night…)

Hey, Pat! Are you doing NaNo this year?

So, I pass the 17.5k mark a little close to midnight and head off to bed. Chantale says she’ll stay up till about 1am. Not true. Since she was on a roll, she only walked away from the pc at about 2am. As I’m still a light sleeper, I woke up when she walked into the room. I ask her word count and find it past 25k. Woah. She’s still kicking major ass but I’m really happy that she’s enjoying it so much. I think the NaNo Meetup of yesterday gave us both a creative kick 🙂

After chatting for over half an hour, we notice some funky flashes coming from outside. Running to the window to take a look, we see the Northern Lights! Wow! We jump into some heavy clothing as it’s quite cold at 2:40 in the morning and head out into our backyard to enjoy the show. And what a show it was! Beautiful! Simply, and utterly, beautiful! We stayed outside for about another 30 minutes and were just amazed at the light show. The stars were so sharp and the Aurora Borealis was amazing. There is so much to see, the flashes are constantly shifting and changing that you can’t help but be filled with the wonder of nature. In fact, I find myself so dumbfounded by what we saw that I’m at a loss for the words to convey the feelings that ran through me. I just felt absolutely wonderful to be out there sharing that beauty of nature with the beauty in my life…

Alas, now it’s Monday and it looks to be a heavy work week. But before I can get started on it all, I need to go get my flu shot. Maybe I’ll start seeing more psychedelic colors afterwards… 🙂 (I know I won’t as this is the third year I’m getting the shot now… 🙂 )

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