
How frustrating is this?

The new Student Minister at church has a sister who’s a physiotherapist. In fact, she’s William Hurt’s personal physiotherapist. Whenever he’s in town, he stays with her. Yesterday, it was Reformation Sunday and she, of course, came to church. So did he. He sat two seats BEHIND me. I did NOT see him or get a chance to talk to him!!! ARGH!

How frustrating is this? VERY!

On a happier note, Chantale and I were SO thrilled to hear about Karine going into labor on Saturday! She had her baby on Sunday morning but unfortunately I haven’t been able to find out which Hospital she’s at and thus we haven’t had a time to visit yet! In keeping with the times, she actually had access to the Internet and posted on her lj on Saturday. How funny is that? 🙂 Congratulations Karine and Adam, and welcome to Mattieu! 🙂

Today is Stats Day. Wish me luck.

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