There was so much good about this weekend that I’ve decided to only report on it in point form since I don’t have the time I thought I would have had:
– A very nice Friday night. Chantale, Melyssa and Casey picked me up at the Train while James stayed home doing homework. Chantale seemed wiped so I invested a half hour into just holding her on the couch while we caught up on the day with each other and with the kids. Then, I told her to relax and got supper going. The three of them were in the basement while I set the ambiance with candles and fixed a healthy and tasty supper. Very nicely enjoyed and after cleaning up, we all spent the evening downstairs working on homework and other activities. Peaceful and wonderful my friends.
– Only getting out of bed at 10am on Saturday. Happy sigh 🙂 Taking a relaxing morning to take a long shower, shave, and get ready to go to lunch. Everyone was ready on time and we headed out to an Italian restaurant in Little Italy to spend lunch with my Parents and siblings. Unlike what usually happens, this was a nice family gathering! Even my little niece was in a good mood! 🙂 From there, we went to my parents for more chatting and deserts. Mmm. 🙂
– Dropping in to briefly see Karine and Adam (by the way, negative on that report. Try again next week 🙂 ) and then going to Metro to pick up some last-minute food items (including non-alcoholic Beck’s Beer 🙂 )
– Again getting the house all cozy with candles and soft music while cleaning up and preparing supper. Francisco and Line came over for supper and it has been ages since they were last here. So, we gave the tour of all the “new” stuff around the house after having taken a walk through the neighborhood to see all the houses that have been built in the interim. Supper was wonderful. Simple, yet quite delicious. Even something as easy as Apple Pie and Chocolate Ice Cream becomes a slice of heaven with a cup of Hazlenut coffee in the right atmosphere 🙂
I’m telling you – Saturday was a day of pure relaxing pleasure and we ALL enjoyed ourselves tremendously! Even the kids were incredibly well-behaved and happy 🙂
– Sunday, the kids and I had English Muffins with Blueberry jam – mmm! 🙂 Afterwards, Melyssa and I headed out to Rona to pick up some paint and other items to begin work on the basement. It feels good to “work” on the house 🙂 Then, after lunch, we headed out to a small farm and bought a bunch of pumpkins and other decorations (if you’ve seen the picture of Casey on my site in front of the bale of hay, that’s what it looks like 🙂 )
– Another nice and cozy supper brought our day and weekend to a comfortable ending. I love my family and adore the time we spend together and this weekend… ah, this weekend was nothing short of a blessing 🙂