So I’ve been quiet lately. I can’t say if it’s really because I’ve got nothing to say OR that I’ve got too much to say. In any case, my mind’s been extremely distracted lately. Much thought has been spent on work and my career and just as much has been spent on home, family life, and personal goals.
Sometimes I feel like I’m skating on the thin edge of depression. Almost as though I can see the water flowing rapidly under the ice at my feet. And then, in a moment’s snap, I’m up and jumping around. It’s not all from fatigue, though. I’m getting as much sleep as before, but I’m waking up less often at night thus making me feel more refreshed. Maybe I’m getting edgy, looking for a fresh start at work, or looking to do more with my life. I’ll sit at my desk and go from moments of extreme dizzy decision making, to long lulls of thinking about the future.
Maybe it’s just the grey day outside. Almost feels like the first snow flakes are just dying to drop. Chantale got me an amazing winter jacket this year so I’m ready in that factor. Now I just need new boots and I’ll be ready for winter 🙂
On a good note, my Parents celebrate their 44th year wedding anniversary tomorrow! We’re all going out for lunch to celebrate 🙂 Afterwards, on our way home, we’re picking up some pumpkins so Chantale, the kids, and I can carve our Halloween “protectors” 🙂 (Karine, I’ll probably drop by your place either before or after the lunch!)
I’m hoping for a really nice/ lazy/ relaxing weekend…