I was going to title this ‘Subway Hell’ but then I realized that I wasn’t only going to be talking about making my way into work this morning!
At -14C, with a wind-chill of -23C, there was no way I wanted to wait in line for a bus this a.m. So, I decide to take the car in and head to Joliette, using the Green Line as opposed to my regular Blue/Orange to get to work. No sooner do I step off the escalator that I see a HUGE crowd trying to get throug the turnstiles. The loudspeakers were stating that service had finally been re-established. ‘Oh Great’ I say to myself, knowing I’ll have to let a few metros pass before there’ll be space for me to get on. Sure enough, it wasn’t one or two. It was about 7 or 8. Fifteen minutes later, I squeeze on the metro. At the very next stop, it stays there with the doors open for about 10 minutes. Then, the driver announces that due to a faulty car, we’ll be delayed by about 2 more minutes. 5 minutes later, we move again. At the very next stop after that, we stop again and an announcement is made that due to some electrical trouble, speed would be reduced. bah. It took me 1 hour to get through a 15 minute ride.
I was quite happy Chantale didn’t have to put up with it, though. After the INSANE traffic on the ‘Met yesterday morning, it practically ruined her entire day. She was so frustrated and angry when we got home that she was just shaking and in tears. I took hold of her and told her she was going to take a hot bath. I ran the water and sure enough it was extremely hot. By the time she got into the tub, she had relaxed and pretty soon was quite mellow.
Sure enough, some times all you need is a hot bath to soothe a bad day 🙂
She was in the mood for my special tuna salad and so I got cracking and put together a bowl of the stuff. It was delicious!! 🙂
I soon had to leave for Parents Council meeting and that also turned out to be quite good. In fact, I was given a round of applause due to the dilligent work I put in of being the council’s Minute-Man :> Hey, appreciation makes everything worthwhile 🙂
When I got home, Chantale and I cuddled up on the futon and watched a string of sitcoms she had taped for us: Dharma & Greg; That 70’s Show; The Inlaws. I think that was an excellent way to end that kind of a day. Snuggly-warm and giggling 🙂
Btw, did get some interesting work news, but nothing I can share publicly yet :>
Ok, almost lunch time. Now I go out and brave the cold again. Insane I am. I would much rather be back in bed; warm under the blankets 🙂