
Hm. Considering Chantale and I stayed in bed until noon today, it was no wonder it took me until now to realize that it is September 11th. It’s one of those things to be in such a frame of mind as to completely close oneself off to the entire world and just be wrapped up in a cocoon of our own making. Thus, we got to enjoy a day of togetherness as opposed to remembering where we were 3 years ago and what we were doing. I remember it all vividly, still, and probably will for life. Right down to the night before.

Alas, I’m not here to reminise. I came online to simply post a Fast Fiction piece that had been kicking around in my head for the last week. It changed a lot in that time. The biggest change is that it is no longer violent. Thus, it’s really a simple read much different from all the others.

[The Initiation – September 11, 2004]

There were two questions Billy needed to answer. The first, did he really want to join the gang? Secondly, could he live with the implications of his challenge?

“You can do it, Billy!” pushed Mark. “Just crack his skull open and you’ll be one of us, forever!”

Billy felt the coldness and the weight of the rock in his hands and looked into the eyes of his helpless victim. He didn’t hesitate out of fear, he did so out of anger. “This is a stupid way to join your gang,” he said.

“Just do it you little shit! Don’t you want to be the only 12 year old to hang out with us 13 year olds?” asked Mark. “Besides, if you don’t dash his head in with that rock, we’ll use it to dash in yours.”

The rest of the gang mumbled their agreement and Billy stood up to face all five of them. Looking down again, he scowled, gripped the rock, and threw it down hard, right onto Mark’s hand. Mark screamed and fell back, letting go of the kitten he was holding.

“Fuck you,” said Billy as he turned and ran away.

[(c) Mike Aragona]
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