don’t get your undies in a bunch. Just random rambles 🙂
“Dove sono gli amici, la sono le ricchezze.
Where you find friends, there you find riches.”
“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.”
-Groucho Marx
Ok, all you Comicopians out there. After a week of utter craziness and running around waiting, the 14th Year Anniversary issue should be in the mail by tonight! Some changes required, but such is the way of the creators. Niall! I’m driving into Ottawa tomorrow (Saturday) and was wondering if there is a time/place to reach you at (or cell phone). Perhaps I can hand deliver your issue instead of mailing it. I’ll be taking the kids to the Science Museum, Old Navy, and perhaps a walk down by the Parliment (fer edu-kalation experience ya know). Let me know!
Ok, gotta rush out now. Peace out.