Crazy Start…

I don’t know why I kept being preventing from coming in this morning, but it’s a little bizarre!!

First off, I wake up this morning wondering just what time it is considering it’s pretty bright in the room. I check my watch and see it’s 6:30am and I jump out of bed. Why didn’t the alarm ring? I verify and sure enough it’s set to 6:20am BUT it was OFF and alarm2 (set at 10:30am) was ON! Eee!

Quickly get ready and dash off, making good time on the drive. As I get off the highway, I see the earlier train (7:07am) and realize I can probably make it! Unfortunately, as I get on the side road, I see construction and need to detour a little. Long enough to miss that train. Ok, whatever. Park the car and go sit outside to wait for the next one (due at 7:30)

It’s chilly enough and the train arrives as I seriously start to shiver. I get a seat and continue reading my Archie digest (a fun thing I started doing a few weeks ago 🙂 ). We get to Vendome (the second to last stop) and once the stop is made… the train STAYS stopped. Voice announces that everyone’s gotta get out. Sheesh.

Get out and trudge through the crowd to try to get into the metro. My pass doesn’t work on the first turnstile I try. Neither on the second. As I make my way to the third, I finally hear the guy waving folks through telling them not to bother with the passes that the turnstiles were unlocked. (As I tried to get through, of course, I kept locking it!). When I finally make my way downstairs, I look at my pass as I put it away… and realize the reason my pass didn’t work was that it was my AUGUST pass. Oy.

Luckily the rest of the trip to work didn’t have all these bumps because at this rate, I’m ready to just turn around and go back home to bed.

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