Thursday morning we packed up the car and headed out to Paramount Canada’s Wonderland for a fun-filled 3 day adventure 🙂 We got to Toronto at 3pm, checked into our Hotel, grabbed a bite to eat, and headed out to the park to get our Season Passes processed. And then, 4 hours of wandering around enjoying the sights and trying out some rides.
I confess. I was a Rollercoaster Virgin.
🙂 Strangely enough, that is quite true. I’ve never been one to go to amusement parks (and even with La Ronde in town, I’ve been there perhaps 3 times in my entire life – i don’t like that park) and when I’ve been, it was never the coasters. So, you can imagine me trying to act “brave” in front of the kids while Chantale laughed herself silly at the thought that I was trembling a little inside 🙂
But, yes, like all true Super Heroes, I dug down deep and found the courage necessary to hold my head up high and take the plunge. Over and over and over again 🙂 And I had a tremendous time! (so did everyone else!) Chantale and I even discussed heading out there again before the season’s up to tackle the handful of rides the kids were too small to go on. 🙂 Plus, with where we live now, Toronto is only 5 hours away! Makes overnight trips easy enough to accomplish 🙂
With coming home at 9pm on Saturday, it made the weekend breeze by. I had originally planned to take my folks to Quebec City on Monday and Tuesday but my mom wasn’t up to it so we’ve postponed it for now. Instead, Chantale and I just took those two days to relax, sleep in, stay up late, and watch the Olympics. Of course, something else that’s been taking a lot of our time recently: Sliders Season 1 and 2 on DVD!! 🙂 We were watching about 2 episodes a night… until this weekend where we got to watching 3 and 4 a day 🙂 At this point, we’ve seen 19 episodes already!! Wheeee 🙂
Today, it’s back to work. I thought I was relaxed, refreshed, and rested enough BUT… I confess to wishing I had the rest of the week to be at home… Ah well. That’s life…