Yup. Considering I wasn’t too sure what I was gonna do tonight, it ended up being a nice one. I got home somewhat early (5:30pm) and grabbed myself a little something to eat. I sat down at my computer, food to the left of me, Enya and Celtic music behind me, and finished off the Church Newsletter. Once that was done, I decided to take the bike out and see how it ran. Nice to see that those few years of abandonment didn’t wreck it 🙂 Had a nice ride to the bike shop where I pumped the tires up properly and then came back. Since I was already sweaty, I worked out a bit and then jumped into the shower.
You know it’s too bloody hot and humid when you step out of a cold shower feeling completely refreshed… and begin to sweat before you even get out of the bathroom. sheesh. Anyhow, I poured myself an ice-cold ice-tea (that’s Brisk baby!) and called up Chantale. Half an hour later and I’m wondering what the long distance bills are gonna end up being 🙂
But, whatever. It’s worth it. I do so miss her… sigh. A few more days to go.