Well, the trip is booked. Chantale is heading over to New Zealand to partake in a 12-day Contiki Tour of the island! She’ll probably be leaving here on Jaunary 5th or 6th as it’ll take her some time to get there. The tour officially begins on January 13th and goes through the 24th. Sometime after that, she’ll begin to make her way back home.
She’s been wanting to travel for a long time now, and has constantly stated that she’d be taking a trip as a Graduation gift to herself. After all the hard work, long hours, and many years of studying, she deserves it.
Whoop! She just called to tell me her insurance is taken care of now, too! 🙂 One more tick off the list 🙂
Yes, she’ll be going on the tour alone, although she might fly down to Sydney with her dad so they can hang around a few days before she begins her tour and he heads back here. That part’s not decided yet, though 🙂 Am I jealous? Nah. A little envious though as it would have been amazing to go as well. However, it’ll be good for her to go off on her own and do what she wants (within reason, of course! She is still my fiancee ya know!! 🙂 )
How am I going to survive a month without her when I was hardly able to stand a week back in 2001? Well, our bond is a lot stronger now than it ever was, that’s for sure. But, we’re also strong individuals as much as we’re a strong couple. I might not have as much fun during that month as Chantale will, but I’ll have my own things to do 🙂
Plus, we’ll have plenty of chances to take trips together. We are planning on spending our lives together you know 🙂
Have a FANTASTIC trip, darling!!