Well, today marks the first day of a new weekly routine: getting up at 6am, leaving at 6:30am to drive the kids to my parents’ and then driving to the metro to get in to work before 8am. Leave at 4pm to pick up the kids, have a quick bite, and then drive back home (except for tonight and wednesday night when we drive to Laval for James’ baseball games).
Saturday morning Chantale and I drove Casey to the vet to get her stitches removed. All went well except for some reason she kept getting sick in the car on the way over there. Chantale ended up holding her in her lap for the entire 5 hour drive up to Lac St. Jean afterwards and there were no more problems. Hm. I’m thinking the puppy is somewhat spoiled 🙂
I drove back down yesterday after lunch, leaving Chantale and Casey there for the next two weeks. I picked up the kids and while driving home they asked what they were doing this week. I told them they’d be spending it with their grandparents and they if Casey could spend it there, too! I told them that Casey’s on vacation up at “Grandma’s” and that they would see her again in two weeks.
A little while later, they asked about Chantale and I told them that she was up with Casey. Melyssa immediately breaks down in big sobs crying that she misses her. I reassure her that they can call her any time they want and that in two weeks they’ll be spending the entire week with her while *I* work (the reverse of what we did two weeks ago) and that made them feel a little better.
At home, after getting ready for bed, I told the kids to get comfortable and not bother covering up since it was so hot in the house. Melyssa went to get the t-shirt Chantale got when she worked as a volunteer for the Montreal Children’s Hospital’s Family Day on Father’s Day and I asked if she wouldn’t be more comfortable in something much lighter. She again broke into tears with a “but I miss her!” and hugged the t-shirt. No problem! Okee-dokee into the tee! 🙂
Ah well. I better get back to work.